CuConvert is the simplest way to manage exchange rates information of all your currencies. It includes the most used currencies of the World. All of these features without annoying ads! In addition, we store the last values in your device, so you can use it offline.Knowing the exchange rates is essential when you trip to other countries. Thanks to this application you will be able to check the value of a souvenir you will gift to a friend.
Introduce a value and watch all the currencies are updated. So, you can see the exchange rate of multiple elements at the same time. Also, you can select several currencies as favorites to display them always at the top of the table.
Ratios are updated based on various commercial sources and banks. Also, you can force the update manually if you need. Also, you can see the historical of the exchange rate of the last 15 days.
The flag icons have been designed by @msenyil.
The list of included currencies are:
- Australian dollar- Argentine peso- Bulgarian lev- Bolivian boliviano- Brazilian real- Canadian dollar- Swiss franc- Chilean peso- Chinese yuan renminbi- Colombian peso- Czech koruna- Danish krone- Pound sterling- Euro- US dollar- Hong Kong dollar- Croatian kuna- Hungarian forint- Indonesian rupiah- Israeli shekel- Indian rupee- Japanese Yen- South Korean won- Morocco Dirham- Mexican peso- Malaysian ringgit- Norwegian krone- New Zealand dollar- Peruvian sol- Philippine peso- Polish zloty- Paraguayan guarani- Romanian leu- Russian rouble- Swedish krona- Singapore dollar- Thai baht- Turkish lira- Uruguayan peso- Venezuelan bolivar- South African rand